Latest news
Mechanics behind fault damage zones:
Our new paper revealing fully-dynamic seismic cycles in GRL
Our new paper revealing fully-dynamic seismic cycles in GRL
2023 Türkiye & Syria earthquakes:
Contribute to the Special Session of Seismica with your work
in geophysics, earthquake engineering and/or science communication
Contribute to the Special Session of Seismica with your work
in geophysics, earthquake engineering and/or science communication
Open Science:
The latest version of SPECFEM3D v4.0.0 with our contribution is released!
The latest version of SPECFEM3D v4.0.0 with our contribution is released!
From regional seismicity to future rupture?
Our methodology with California application is published in BSSA
Our methodology with California application is published in BSSA
Software & Reading
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