
I am a scientist working on geohazard problems, as a postdoctoral researcher at Caltech. My objective is to identify and engineer natural hazards, for a resilient and sustainable future in our "uncertain but predictable" world.

I am particulary interested in earthquakes and triggered phenomena such as landslides, tsunamis, liquefaction. To identify the driving mechanisms behind past observations and to predict the consequences of future events, at present I combine computational mechanics, theoretical and observational seismology, and big data, crosscutting the themes below:

- Earthquake source physics - Fault and fracture mechanics - Wave propagation in complex media - Fault damage zones and site effects - Soil dynamics and liquefaction - Ground deformation at local/urban scale - Multi-physics and multi-scale modeling - Empirical Green's functions and source relocation - Resilience of critical infrastructures and clean energy resources

I created this website to easily share my work with you. It's dynamically updated. Thanks for looking, and stay tuned!
